2025 Notion Template Studio Ghibli Inspired Ultimate Life planner ,All in One Digital Planner
Organize your life and be more productive manage your daily habits, skincare workout , recipes, and more
What's included?
Daily planner
- Plan out your tasks, appointments, and goals for each day.
- To-Do List, Nots
- Today’s focus
- Calendar
Weekly Planner:
- Get a broader view of your week, including priorities and deadlines.
- To-Do List, Nots
- This week's focus
- weeks tracker
Monthly Planner:
- Set overarching goals and plan for events happening during the month.
- Nots, Remainders
- Goals,12 Months tracker
- Calendar
Habits Tracker:
- Monitor and maintain consistency in various habits for personal development.
- Mood tracker
- Energy
- Water taking
- Workout
- Journaling
- Wishlist
- Morning routine
- Night Routine
Sleep Tracker:
Track sleep patterns for better health and energy management.
hydration Tracker:
Ensure you meet daily water intake goals for hydration.
Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Skincare Tracker:
Keep track of your skincare routines and products.
Plan and track your exercise routines and fitness goals.
- Goals,
- Helpful Steps,
- Workout Tracker
- Step Tracker
Recipes Planning:
Plan meals and recipes for a healthy and varied diet.
- Meal planning,
- Recipes
- Shopping list,
- Kitchen Tools
Manage personal finances, track expenses, and budget effectively.
- Income & Expense
- Categories
- Savings
- Goals and Wishlist
- Daily transactions
- Reminders
Reading Planning:
Plan your reading list, track books you've read, and set reading goals.
- Reading goals Tracker
- Reading section
- Category &Gonrs
- Wish list
Travel Planning:
Plan and organize your travel itineraries, including destinations and activities.
- Notes,
- planning & and pre,
- Packing List,
- Itinerary, Budget and Spend Tracker
- Travel Shopping List
- Long Term Goals
- Yearly Goals
- Quarterly Goals
- To Dos
- Milestones
How does this work?
After purchase, you'll be redirected to the template page
- Duplicate the template in the top-right corner of Notion interface you will find the button “Duplicate” Click on it and you will create your workspace
- Customize and personalize your template as you want it you can change the photos , blocks and everything to adapt the template to your needs
What's included?